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Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
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Teaching and research are linked: the skills and leading edge technology utilized in research projects are transferred to students in the classrooms and laboratories.


UA Researchers Receive Nearly $2 Million for First Responder Safety Project

A group of University of Alabama researchers recently received nearly $2 million in funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for their research in interventions that could reduce the risk of traumatic injuries among tow truck operators.

Hooks Selected as Summer 2024 Outstanding Co-op Student

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Christian Hooks, a senior majoring in civil engineering with a minor in structural engineering, was selected as the summer 2024 Outstanding Co-op Student by the Engineering Career...

Clement Named 2024 Fellow of National Groundwater Association

Dr. Prabhakar Clement, professor of environmental engineering and founding director of the Center for Water Quality Research, has been designated as a 2024 National Ground Water Association Fellow. Fellows are...

Areas & Laboratories

The Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering operates environmental, geotechnical, materials, hydraulics, structures and transportation laboratories in Cyber Hall, the North Engineering Research Center (NERC), and the South Engineering Research Center (SERC). The Department also maintains two Senior Design Studios equipped with the latest computer-aided design software for students enrolled in CE 401/402/405 and CE 403/404/406 Capstone Senior Design Project.

Major research topics include pre-project planning for construction projects, evacuation routing during emergencies, contaminants in wet-weather flows, affordable housing through engineering and manufacturing innovation, and the potential safety enhancements of seat belts in school buses.

More CCEE Research Areas

Research Units

The Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering also directs four specialized research units: