The dual MSCivE/MBA program is offered in collaboration with the Culverhouse College of Commerce. It allows students to double count six credit hours of approved graduate civil engineering coursework from the MSCivE towards the MBA and 12 credit hours of approved graduate business coursework from the MBA towards the MSCivE. These degrees are awarded concurrently.

The student’s graduate advisors from each program will determine which courses double count as part of the dual program, noting that ST 509 Statistics for Business is permitted in lieu of CE 573 Statistical Applications in Civil Engineering, a required course for all department graduate programs.

The Dual MSCivE/MBA program is designed primarily for MSCivE Plan II, or non-thesis option, students. If the MSCivE Plan I, or the thesis option, is pursued, only six hours of MBA coursework will be allowed to count towards the MSCivE versus 12 hours for the MSCivE Plan II.